This privacy statement was last changed on 02/05/2023, last checked on 03/09/2023, and applies to citizens and legal permanent residents of the United States.

In this privacy statement, we explain what we do with the data we obtain about you via We recommend you carefully read this statement. In our processing we comply with the requirements of privacy legislation. That means, among other things, that:

  • we clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this by means of this privacy statement;
  • we aim to limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data required for legitimate purposes;
  • we first request your explicit consent to process your personal data in cases requiring your consent;
  • we take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also require this from parties that process personal data on our behalf;
  • we respect your right to access your personal data or have it corrected or deleted, at your request.

If you have any questions, or want to know exactly what data we keep of you, please contact us.

1. Purpose and categories of data

We may collect or receive personal information for a number of purposes connected with our business operations which may include the following: (click to expand)

2. Sharing with other parties

We only share or disclose this data to other recipients for the following purposes:

Purpose of the data transfer: Marketing
Country or state in which this service provider is located: Estados Unidos
Purpose of the data transfer: Analíticas y marketing
Country or state in which this service provider is located: Estados Unidos
Purpose of the data transfer: Procesador de pagos
Country or state in which this service provider is located: Estados Unidos
Purpose of the data transfer: 
Country or state in which this service provider is located: 
Purpose of the data transfer: Carro de compras
Country or state in which this service provider is located: Estados Unidos

3. Disclosure practices

We disclose personal information if we are required by law or by a court order, in response to a law enforcement agency, to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information, or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety.

If our website or organisation is taken over, sold, or involved in a merger or acquisition, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and will be passed on to the new owners.

4. How we respond to Do Not Track signals & Global Privacy Control

Our website responds to and supports the Do Not Track (DNT) header request field. If you turn DNT on in your browser, those preferences are communicated to us in the HTTP request header, and we will not track your browsing behavior.

5. Cookies

Our website uses cookies. For more information about cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy on our Opt-out preferences webpage. 

We have concluded a data processing agreement with Google.

Google may not use the data for any other Google services.

The inclusion of full IP addresses is blocked by us.

6. Security

We are committed to the security of personal data. We take appropriate security measures to limit abuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. This ensures that only the necessary persons have access to your data, that access to the data is protected, and that our security measures are regularly reviewed.

7. Third-party websites

This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites connected by links on our website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend you read the privacy statements of these websites prior to making use of these websites.

8. Amendments to this privacy statement

We reserve the right to make amendments to this privacy statement. It is recommended that you consult this privacy statement regularly in order to be aware of any changes. In addition, we will actively inform you wherever possible.

9. Accessing and modifying your data

If you have any questions or want to know which personal data we have about you, please contact us. Please make sure to always clearly state who you are, so that we can be certain that we do not modify or delete any data of the wrong person. We shall provide the requested information only upon receipt of a verifiable consumer request. You can contact us by using the information below. You have the following rights:

9.1 You have the following rights with respect to your personal data

  1. You may submit a request for access to the data we process about you.
  2. You may object to the processing.
  3. You may request an overview, in a commonly used format, of the data we process about you.
  4. You may request correction or deletion of the data if it is incorrect or not or no longer relevant, or to ask to restrict the processing of the data.

9.2 Supplements

This section, which supplements the rest of this Privacy Statement, applies to citizens and legal permanent residents of California (CPRA), Colorado (CPA), Connecticut (CTDPA), Nevada (NRS 603A), Utah (UCPA) and Virginia (CDPA)

10. Children

Our website is not designed to attract children and it is not our intent to collect personal data from children under the age of consent in their country of residence. We therefore request that children under the age of consent do not submit any personal data to us.

11. Contact details

Editorial Hexagonum
4801 LANG AVE NE STE 110 3007, ALBUQUERQUE, NM, 87109
United States

Phone number: 206 401 9902

12. Data Requests

For the most frequently submitted requests, we also offer you the possibility to use our data request form



Burst Statistics

Este sitio web usa Burst Statistics, una herramienta de estadísticas que respeta la privacidad, para analizar el comportamiento de los visitantes. Para esta funcionalidad nosotros (este sitio web) recogemos datos anónimos, almacenados localmente, sin compartirlos con otras partes. Para más información, lee la Declaración de Privacidad de Burst.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

Esta web utiliza la Privacy Suite for WordPress desde Complianz para recopilar registros de consentimiento. Para esta funcionalidad, tu dirección IP se anonimiza y se almacena en nuestra base de datos.  Para más información, consulta la Declaración de privacidad de Complianz.


Qué datos personales recopilamos y por qué los recopilamos copias de seguridad Según la funcionalidad de este complemento, las copias de seguridad de los archivos y/o la base de datos de su sitio web se crean y almacenan localmente en su servidor y/o de forma remota en servidores de terceros según la configuración de este complemento. Los archivos pueden incluir, entre otros, activos de archivos y bases de datos, incluidas contraseñas codificadas, datos de terceros, cargas e información de usuario. Estas copias de seguridad se almacenan para proporcionar la funcionalidad crítica de este complemento. Configuración del complemento El complemento realiza copias de seguridad completas del sitio web, incluyendo las bases de datos. Las bases de datos pueden incluir datos de contacto y de inicio de sesión de los usuarios, pero no almacenamos datos financieros ni de tarjeta de crédito de los usuarios. Estos últimos datos sin enviados y procesados por los procesadores de pago como Stripe y Paypal. Cuánto tiempo conservamos las copias de seguridad La retención de la copia de seguridad depende completamente del propietario del sitio web. Esto puede variar desde menos de un minuto hasta indefinidamente. Cookies Las cookies utilizadas durante el proceso de restauración/importación caducan después de 24 horas. Donde enviamos las copias de seguridad Las copias de seguridad no se envían automáticamente a destinos remotos, sin embargo, las copias de seguridad se pueden configurar para enviarse a servidores de terceros. Cómo protegemos sus datos en las copias de seguridad Los archivos zip de copia de seguridad se almacenan con nombres de archivo con hash para evitar que se adivine el nombre de archivo y se deshabilite la exploración de directorios.
